martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Letter to the Governor Mr. Rosales

Letter to the Governor Mr. Rosales

Dear Governor Rosales:

First at all i want to congratulate you for your labor and all the improvements that you have done to the state. One of the main one has been the reconstruction of the highway that connects Zulia state with the rest of the country, this was a very dangerous highway which cost lots of dead because of the imprudence of the drivers. We also are very please because you are helping young people to pursuit their dreams by giving them a scholarship to study at the university. However women, children and families live in poverty in our state. They need cash assistance, counseling and rehabilitation services, help finding housing, transportation, childcare, training and jobs, if they are to have the opportunity to obtain economic security.
The elderly people is also very concern because after all the years that they worked and all the services that they provided for the government you haven’t paid a cent of what they claim, you should have this in consideration because this people are not able to work anymore, they are just waiting for their retirement money to finally set down and live what is rest of their lives.
You should also have in consideration the insecurity that we have nowadays, it is very concerning that have at least 2 or 3 kidnapped each week this is one of the main issues that I am directing my letter to you, is there any possibilities for you to increase the security.
Please put these issues near the top of your agenda and make reducing poverty in our state one of your goals for this year.

Yours Sincerely,

Carlos Montiel

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